Third Trimester Update
I’m writing this at almost 39 weeks and I can’t believe I’m 9 months pregnant! HOLY SHIT. I actually cannot believe or comprehend that I’m going to be a mom in just a few days…unless she decides to get comfortable in there. It’s just so mind blowing to me.
Looking back at my pregnancy, I have to say that for the most part, I actually enjoyed it. At around 32/33 weeks is when it really started to get more difficult for me. And now in the final stretch, it’s really gotten HARD, but I know it will all be worth it.
I’m usually not one to sit and chill. I always need to have plans or something scheduled and just around when my third trimester started, I started to understand that doing less is okay. My energy levels are low and weirdly very weather dependent- maybe because it’s December in NYC and the cold/ rain isn’t the most motivational. My workouts have slowly decreased and I’m okay with that. I went from taking prenatal pilates 1-2 times a week, to none at all. I’m focussing on walking more and stretching at home right now. I know some women who really push themselves until they give birth, but my body was telling me otherwise, so I went with it. I’m not going to lie, this was hard for me because I love fitness so much, but I’m also going to do what’s best for my baby and I and it seems to be rest at this point.
My appetite hasn’t changed too much, although heartburn really does effect it. I’m either stuffed or starving, so small and frequent meals have been working well for me. My cravings have been pizza, fruit and Korean BBQ and I still have the same food aversions- fish and dark chocolate.
I’ve gained about 30 lbs total and feel like things are getting tighter in there- she’s fighting for space! Every movement is visible and sometimes a little painful, especially when she moves herself into these positions on one side of my belly. Sometimes I feel her stretching out from both my lower belly and into my ribs, which is the strangest feeling in the world. I love being reminded that she’s in there but sometimes the feeling shocks me and I gasp out loud.
Getting dressed gets more challenging every week. I’ve only invested in a few essential maternity pieces, but otherwise I have been living in leggings, low rise sweatpants, Louis’s sweatshirts and maternity cotton shirts. If we’re going to dinner or something social, sweater dresses or leggings and an oversized sweater have been my go-to’s.
Symptom Update:
Sleeping: Third trimester insomnia is very real- but, the days vary for me. Some days, I’m up every 2-3 hours for bathroom breaks and then have a hard time falling back asleep and some days I get up once around 3am and then go right back to sleep. Short naps helped on the days when I barely got any shut eye.
Back: My lower back has been achy, but that’s normal. At about 33/34 weeks, it started to get worse and at 38 weeks, walking (I mean waddling) has really put a ton of pressure on it. My upper back consistently has knots, but thats also normal from the weight gain. I’ve been getting massages to help with the tension and it’s really helped a lot! Also, hot showers and stretching.
Feet: Feeling sore from the consistent weight gain and started to notice some swelling at 37 weeks. The shoes I wear make such a difference in how they feel at the end of the day- and also for my back pain. Chunky sneakers with more support have worked best for me. Here & Here are great options! Tip: Lay with your legs elevated for 15-30 minutes to help improve circulation.
Heartburn: For about 2-3 weeks, it was bad. I couldn’t eat anything without feeling v uncomfortable, but thankfully it’s subsided now. Tip: Don’t drink water with your meals, only after. Avoid acidic foods. Don’t eat too close to bedtime and try to have smaller, more frequent meals to help with digestion.
Fatigue: No matter how much sleep I get, I’m TIRED. I mean, growing a human takes a lot out of you, but third trimester fatigue is almost as bad, if not worse, than the first trimester. My energy levels have been on the lower side consistency, sometimes they’ll spike and it feels amazing, and then sometimes I can literally fall asleep on the spot. Overall, it’s a rollercoaster.
Everyone warned me that the final stretch is the most difficult one, and now having experienced it- I can confirm it’s very TRUE. Everyone experiences different symptoms, and I encourage you to listen to your body and just go with whatever it’s telling you to do. Now at the end… I’m getting impatient. Not only to meet our little Baby G, but to feel like myself again.
Anyways… the next time I write a blog post, I’m probably going to be a mommy and I can’t wait to share that experience with you! xx
33 weeks pregnant
37 weeks pregnant