Vegan Portobello Lettuce Bites

Vegan portobello lettuce bites

These bite-size lettuce bites are a great snack option or as an addition to any protein which would make a delicious meal! The ingredients are simple, minimal and healthy!

Serving Size: 8 lettuce bites


  • 1 head of lettuce (I used butter lettuce)

  • 4 portobello mushroom, sliced

  • Handful of fresh cranberries, sliced thin

  • Microgreens of choice (I used arugula)

  • Pinch of taco seasoning





  • Heat skillet on medium heat and coat with coconut or avocado oil

  • Place portobello mushrooms on there and sauté for about 3 minutes each side until lightly browned

  • While sautéing, peel lettuce head carefully and place on to large plate

  • Coat the lettuce with the vegan caesar dressing

  • Layer mushrooms, cranberries and microgreens

  • Sprinkle with taco seasoning, to taste

  • Enjoy!